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Cloud hosting blockchain nodes: Why Chainstack is your ultimate choice for Web3 infrastructure

Innovation doesn’t wait. Neither should you. In the rapidly evolving world of Web3 development, staying ahead means choosing partners who won’t slow you down. That’s where Chainstack comes in. With us, not only do you get the most innovative blockchain hosting solutions, but also a partner dedicated to your success.

Powerful and intuitive hosting services not only streamline operations but also drive the performance and potential of Web3 applications. As a leader in the provision of advanced blockchain technology, Chainstack is uniquely positioned to cater to these needs.

At Chainstack, we understand the intricacies of Web3 development. The complexities revolving around speed, security, scalability, sovereignty, latency, and more shape the ecosystem in which developers operate. Recognizing these challenges, we have designed our blockchain hosting services with an emphasis on customization, flexibility, and ease of use.

What is Chainstack Node-as-a-Service?

At the core of our offerings is powerful Node-as-a-Service model that provides full-featured, convenient, and scalable solutions to meet your unique Web3 development needs. It represents a robust set of building blocks that can shape the trajectory of your projects, driving growth in both scope and business impact.

With Chainstack, you gain instant access to a realm where blockchain node hosting becomes an effortless and intuitive task. Our aim is to give you the right tools and the freedom to focus more on the developmental side of your projects, while we deal with the heavy lifting of node management and efficient running.

Our range of cloud hosting options for nodes, from Chainstack-managed and Hybrid to Chainstack Cloud and Self-hosted and Bring your own Cloud solutions, offer a diverse palette to fit your Web3 project’s needs and preferences. We forge ahead with the implication of the hosting capabilities of our robust Node-as-a-Service, designed to meet every aspect of your blockchain developer journey.

Plug and Play nodes with Chainstack-managed hosting

Get a taste of a fully-managed blockchain service with our Chainstack-managed hosting. Designed for those who seek a ready-to-deploy solution, this service brings you an impressive orchestration of features without the need for self-management.

Whether you’re a small-scale developer or an expansive enterprise, our intuitive user interface makes the process ten times easier. Access new features as soon as they’re out, while staying worry-free about platform performance and uptime. We also offer white-label branding on our enterprise tier for those looking for a more personalized touch.

Supported cloud providers and locations

We understand that the location of your nodes significantly impacts your application’s functionality. That’s why we’ve partnered up with leading cloud providers like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and Virtuozzo.

Simultaneously, we offer quite a range of location options, including US, UK, Singapore, Japan, Germany, and the Netherlands to name a few. If you still can’t find the location you need, reach out to us, and we’ll be more than happy to accommodate you.

Figure 1: Chainstack-managed hosting supported cloud providers and locations; Source: Chainstack

Hybrid hosting: A perfect blend of control and convenience

Our Hybrid Hosting is another powerful offering targeting developers prioritizing self-sovereignty of nodes, keys, and infrastructure. With the perfect balance of our managed services and your control over some components, developers gain the freedom to operate certain parts of the infrastructure as their project or regulatory compliance may require.

This option allows you to select which parts of the Chainstack infrastructure you wish to manage yourself. On the other end, we’ll take care of the implementation, ensuring that you focus on what truly matters most—creating value with your project. A perfect blend of control and convenience.

It’s a great fit for developers who are keen on self-sovereignty of nodes, keys, and infrastructure but don’t want to roll their own orchestration. A typical such use case scenario is when a software provider uses Chainstack through the platform’s UI or API as a management dashboard to oversee nodes, networks, and services operating seamlessly within their own bespoke infrastructure.

Chainstack-managed vs. Hybrid hosting

How you plan to use blockchain technology for your project impacts the hosting choice you make. While both Chainstack-managed and Hybrid hosting options provide excellent capabilities, it’s important to understand the most suitable circumstances for each.

In Chainstack-managed hosting, you enjoy complete node monitoring including node availability and health, full logging, access to daily automated backups, and more. All these are aimed to provide an effortless experience. On the contrary, Hybrid hosting focuses on giving you more control with partial node monitoring and availability to use your backup solution, billing only for the subscription and node management fee, and allowing flexibility to use your cloud infrastructure.

If your focus is ease of operation, low operational costs, and near-instant node availability, Chainstack-managed hosting is the go-to choice. On the other hand, Hybrid hosting is suitable when the blockchain needs to run in your cloud—a requirement often driven by compliance-related concerns or to reduce DApp latency by collocating the DApp and node on the same server.

Here’s a comprehensive overview comparing the Chainstack-managed and Hybrid hosting options:

Figure 2: Chainstack-managed and Hybrid hosting options comparison; Source: Chainstack

Chainstack Cloud for maximum node performance

When it comes to resource-heavy operations in the world of Web3, performance is an absolute must. Enter: Chainstack Cloud. Tailored to process a substantial number of queries effortlessly and providing settings for minimal latency, handling demanding operations has never looked so elegant.

Chainstack Cloud service brings powerful infrastructure suited for heavy compute loads and flexible node deployment, guaranteeing exceptional performance. It caters perfectly to the increasingly demanding use cases in the realms of DeFi, GameFi, and NFT applications.

Whether it’s about maintaining high security, achieving optimal performance, flexible locations, or ensuring top-notch reliability, Chainstack Cloud delivers on every front. From Amsterdam to Ashburn, we’ve got numerous data centers providing flexible and efficient node deployment.

With our state-of-the-art Chainstack Cloud, your entire Web3 operation can benefit from physical isolation for maximum security and dedicated hardware that ensures consistent disk I/O performance. And thanks to our patented Bolt technology, deploying and syncing nodes is hardly ever a matter of days but rather a few brief moments, allowing you to start building immediately.

Deploy Chainstack Global Elastic Nodes to deal with demanding applications

Efficiency should know no bounds and with Chainstack Cloud hosting our award-winning Global Elastic Nodes, this is a given. Delivering exceptional performance across the world, they ensure your requests are handled in the shortest possible time frame by the closest most fitting node available.

This creates an effective and globally-distributed fallback chain, manifesting our commitment to 99.9% uptime. Enjoy outstanding performance and minimal latency, irrespective of geographical location. Our robust global elastic infrastructure is perfectly suited for enterprise-grade results, when (and where) you need it the most, even on shared hosting.

FIgure 3: Unstoppable RPC Endpoint architecture; Source: Chainstack

Go Self-hosted and assume direct control

Fully controlling your Web3 infrastructure components can give you a unique sense of sovereignty—something our self-hosted Chainstack solution provides. This is most beneficial for developers interested in fully hosted solutions with in-house management capabilities.

We pack all components for hosted installation, allowing you to leverage your infrastructure and integrate existing functions like billing, creating a seamless experience. This option is particularly beneficial to service providers aiming to provide managed blockchain services to their clientele.

Bring your own Cloud

Focusing on delivering maximum flexibility and customization, Chainstack offers a Bring your own Cloud option. Opting for this alternative lets you have the freedom to host your Web3 projects even outside our typical clouds and regions.

This means that whether you are already working with a cloud solution or have special hosting requirements, we’ve got you covered. Choose from over 20+ regions available on Amazon EKS via private hosting. Can’t find the cloud or region you prefer? Let us know and we’ll handle the details.

Enjoy the freedom to BUIDL on 25+ supported chains

Chainstack is a one-stop platform for all your blockchain projects, offering you a wide variety of protocols for you to deploy your nodes on. By using Chainstack, you don’t have to be locked into a single protocol for your project. You can easily transit between Ethereum, Avalanche, Solana, Scroll, Ronin, or 20+ other leading chains supported on our platform. Deploying a node to a public network or creating a consortia can be done with just a few clicks. Now isn’t that handy?

Employing multiple protocols expands the breadth of your blockchain projects, offering you the flexibility to adopt the advantages that each unique protocol presents. The more resources and tools you have at your disposal, the less limitations there will be on innovating and building forward.

Figure 4: Chainstack supported chains; Source: Chainstack

Simple, reliable, and convenient Web3 development

At Chainstack, we understand the intricate complexities of blockchain development. Our mission is to simplify this process, empowering you to focus on creating exceptional Web3 experiences, while we take care of the heavy lifting. We make sure you gain unprecedented access to an intuitive user interface, outstanding performance, and consistent uptime, without the need to shoulder the burden of managing nodes yourself.

We believe that reliability shouldn’t be a plus—it should be a given. Our commitment to delivering a 99.9% uptime ensures your vital applications continue to deliver value to your users without missing a beat. We achieve this using an innovative geo-load-balanced architecture that effortlessly adapts to changing network health without disrupting service.

Built by individuals who understand the hustle of blockchain, the Chainstack team acknowledges the challenges you and other Web3 developers face and aims to not just mitigate them, but also facilitate convenience, agility, and flexibility. Open new opportunities, diversify your creations, and watch as every change propels you further in the Web3 sphere with Chainstack.

Bringing it all together

Every Web3 developer desires a set of reliable tools to navigate the complexities that come with building blockchain projects. Chainstack’s robust blockchain hosting solutions are designed to meet this aspiration of yours, providing flexibility, control, and most importantly, simplicity.

By providing a comprehensive range of Web3 infrastructure services from Chainstack-managed to Hybrid and Chainstack Cloud to Self-hosted, we offer options fit for any and all projects, regardless of their size, stage, use case, or requirements, without compromising on speed, performance, and security. This much choice and control paves your way to limitless potential in Web3 development.

Moreover, our commitment to continuous innovation is the driving force, ensuring our offerings remain the preferred choice for you as a Web3 developer, navigating the decentralized landscape. With Chainstack, you’re not just leveraging advanced technology; you’re tapping into a community committed to your success.

The future of the web is decentralization—it’s fast, robust, and always getting better. And with our unparalleled blockchain hosting services, we’re proud to play a crucial role in supporting Web3 developers like yourself, who are making this future a reality.

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