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Build better with Aurora nodes

Run high-performing Aurora RPC nodes and APIs in minutes on a platform built for scale.

“Aurora Labs have always put the building and scaling of decentralized solutions through its infrastructure as a top priority. That has now become even more more accessible with the help of our new partner, Chainstack - who brings reliable high-performance infrastructure to the table which makes the processes more easier, faster and much more secure.”

Alex Shevchenko CEO, Aurora Labs

Reliable Aurora mainnet and testnet infrastructure

Chainstack makes sure you get access to robust and scalable infrastructure, ready for your Aurora journey, in a matter of minutes.

We take away the burden of managing it so that you can instantly focus on building and exploring data on NEAR through Aurora.

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Start fast with elastic Aurora RPC nodes

Elastic Aurora RPC nodes* provide personal, and protected API endpoints you can immediately start using to interact with Aurora networks through your Aurora RPC nodes, starting at $0 per month.

Chainstack elastic Aurora RPC nodes

  • Unlimited requests, no rate limiting or throttling
  • Rapid deployment through Bolt
  • Secure HTTP

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Aurora RPC archive nodes Coming soon

Get access to Aurora RPC archive nodes to query the entire history of the NEAR mainnet—starting at just $49 per month.

And with Chainstack’s Bolt fast sync technology, you can deploy your own dedicated archive node in minutes instead of months.

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Turbocharged sync

With Chainstack’s patented Bolt technology you get fully synced dedicated Aurora RPC nodes in almost no time at all.

By using up-to-date snapshots of the ledger, Chainstack spins up dedicated Aurora RPC nodes with the latest state—so you get a node ready same day rather than having to wait long sync times while spinning it from genesis block.

Introducing Bolt
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Hours taken to sync an Aurora node

Dedicated nodes for dedicated users

Backed up by an expert support team, Chainstack’s dedicated nodes are a go-to for request-intensive workloads on NEAR through Aurora, including traders and multiple different DeFi projects.

Chainstack dedicated Aurora RPC nodes

  • Unlimited requests, no rate limiting or throttling
  • Rapid deployment through Bolt

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We accept payments in cryptocurrencies for for Aurora RPC nodes. Learn more

Chainstack Marketplace

Chainstack is designed to work hand-in-hand with the NEAR and Aurora ecosystem: tools, apps and services that you use every day to build your applications or amplify returns.

We work closely with developers and the NEAR and Aurora community to ensure seamless integration for our end users.

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Build on Aurora protocol and NEAR with us

Discover a wealth of information on how to deploy blockchain infrastructure and build amazing Aurora applications with Chainstack.

Notes for Aurora API

  1. When communicating with a Aurora RPC node, the Aurora client implements a JSON-RPC specification, a communication protocol allowing one to make remote calls and execute them as if they were made locally.
  2. The Aurora API allows developers to communicate with the Aurora blockchain to build applications. The best way to use the Aurora API is to use a Web3 library such as web3.js if using JavaScript or web3.py using Python.