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ChartEx on Chainstack: Handling 1 billion requests per month with peace of mind

ChartEx is leveraging the globally distributed Ethereum, Polygon and Binance Smart Chain node infrastructure on Chainstack as its trading data source. Having started with shared Ethereum nodes, ChartEx moved to Chainstack Enterprise plan running dedicated Ethereum, Polygon and Binance Smart Chain nodes. ChartEx provides technical analysis to over 26 thousand investors and analysts every day, responding to 865 million monthly requests across its platform, and attracting 370 thousand unique visitors each month.

What does ChartEx do?

ChartEx is a platform that provides tools, analytics, and full candlestick charting for Uniswap, the largest decentralized exchange running on the Ethereum network, and for any direct descendant of Uniswap like SushiSwap, SafeSwap, SwipeSwap, LinkSwap, and more. ChartEx allows end-users to use a familiar interface to interact with charts, customize them, annotate with indicators and drawing tools. ChartEx supports Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Avalanche networks with Polygon support launching soon.

Traders and analysts enjoy full-fledged access to technical analysis indicators, drawing tools, and charts for market data. Thanks to ChartEx, traders can quickly filter trading pairs by the output of a number of popular trading indicators such as being oversold, near trendlines or support, crossing moving averages (MA) or prices breaking through Bollinger Bands, and more.

How did ChartEx come across Chainstack?

Looking for an infrastructure partner, the ChartEx team discovered Ethereum managed services on Chainstack in September 2020. In addition to affordable service costs, what caught ChartEx’s eye was the availability of Ethereum nodes in multiple geographical locations. Within the community of traders and data analysts, it is well known that this is a strong contributing factor to fast data retrieval and solution resilience.

How does the Chainstack offer match the ChartEx needs?

By offloading the maintenance of Ethereum, Polygon and Binance Smart Chain node infrastructure to Chainstack, ChartEx team was able to focus on product development and enhance service capabilities with additional features.

ChartEx chose Chainstack so they could prioritize developing their core products and delivering value for their users. Today, ChartEx’s mean time to recovery (MTTR) is lower by 95% and their engineers are spending 100% of their time building the product.

Chainstack nodes have been reliably handling more than 1 billion API requests, which advanced ChartEx’s growth. ChartEx started with shared Ethereum nodes, then moved to Chainstack Enterprise plan running dedicated Ethereum, Polygon and Binance Smart Chain nodes.


  • 370 thousand unique monthly platform users
  • 865 million monthly platform requests
  • 95% lower mean time to recovery
  • 1 billion monthly blockchain API requests

ChartEx requires the use of the fastest blockchain nodes and to build on a robust infrastructure so that their system can function optimally and handle unlimited queries. Proven, rock-solid infrastructure means users get lightning-fast speed with zero downtime. ChartEx team used to spend many hours a month addressing issues related to infrastructure.

Now, they can stay focused on building their products while Chainstack works behind the scenes, providing expertise, real-time support, and peace of mind.

What does ChartEx like about Chainstack?

With Chainstack as an infrastructure partner, the difference in performance was remarkable. Having a reliable source for blockchain queries saves time, money, and hustle. Our systems experienced 95% reduction in the mean time to recovery, which in turn allowed us to make availability commitments. The Chainstack support has been incredible, their team went beyond to help solve issues and enable additional functionality, resulting in improved ChartEx’s customer experience and adoption.

ChartEx founder and CEO

What does Chainstack like about ChartEx?

ChartEx provides a robust product offering and addresses critical charting needs specific to the automatic market maker (AMM) DEX trading and the data analysis community who are critical to the growth of the Web3 ecosystem. ChartEx team has been a pioneer in trading analytics right from the beginning, working on the cutting edge by filling the gap in the market for tools and analytics that support traders on decentralized markets on Uniswap. ChartEx’s drive to continuously improve the offerings in order to better focus on customer requirements resonates with the core values of the team at Chainstack. This is recognized by the volume of requests generated daily and the exponential growth of the ChartEx community.

What is the most interesting engineering challenge in working together?

Due to the exponential growth of the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem, the network has experienced significant strain, putting the performance and capacity of the participating nodes to the test multiple times recently. As one of the most popular blockchains, Binance Smart Chain processes more than 220 transactions per second during peak times. ChartEx and Chainstack’s engineering teams worked closely together to achieve production-grade reliability and ensure Chainstack consistently outperformed other node providers in the market.

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