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Chainstack 3.0 is for scaling: Better plans, more included requests, brand new APIs


  • New pricing plans with new features and more requests included.
  • Shared nodes are now called Global nodes to reflect the underlying architecture and scalable infrastructure.
  • New high-speed transactions to win the mempool race, called Warp transactions.
  • New APIs:
    • MEV API on Ethereum to simulate transactions before sending them through the Flashbots relay.
    • Debug and trace APIs on Global Ethereum archive nodes for low-level state inspection and transaction debugging.

What’s new in Chainstack 3.0

Chainstack 3.0 is new, bigger, better, and more versatile than ever.

This release is a leap forward from the previous version of the platform with the new features that have something for everyone, including:

  • Users who need high-value near-instant transactions.
  • Flashbots searchers who need to save milliseconds in bundle simulation.
  • DApp builders who need to scale.
  • Developers that do on-chain debugging.

All in one platform.

Chainstack has been providing fast, reliable, and robust blockchain node APIs right from the start. Following the evolution of Web3, we are always expanding our product offering. With this release, Chainstack customers get new and expanded APIs. At the same time, we are working on more features for our customers to build better with the Web3 stack. A sneak peek into the near future of Chainstack will include storage services, more advanced APIs, and easier DApp management.

Vasily Rudomanov, Product Director, Chainstack

Today, we are rolling out updated pricing plans with the expanded functionality that includes high-speed transaction propagation (called Warp transactions), MEV API, and debug & trace APIs on Global Ethereum archive nodes.

Let’s have a quick run-down on all the changes and how they affect you.

Quick overview

  • New Growth and Business plans with expanded capabilities.
  • Access to additional full and archive dedicated nodes in the Growth plan.
  • More included requests in the Growth and Business plans.
  • New features: Warp transactions on Ethereum, Polygon, and BNB Smart Chain. MEV API and debug & trace APIs on Ethereum.

See the details on the pricing page.

Warp transactions

With this feature, the transactions sent to your node propagate through the bloXroute Blockchain Distribution Network (BDN) and are near-instantly available for validators to pick up and include in the next block. The bloXroute BDN utilizes a global network of servers optimized for network performance, providing you access to lightning speed and performance.

The benefits of Warp transactions include the following use cases:

  • Be more likely to win race scenarios like liquidating collateralized debt positions (CDPs).
  • Be able to capture arbitrage opportunities in DeFi.
  • Be able to outrun the competition in gaming projects.
  • Increase chances of being included in the next block.
  • Increase chances of beating fee congestion.
  • Manage risk in market making more efficiently.

Experience the fastest mempool service with Warp transactions. Now available on Ethereum, Polygon, and BNB Smart Chain starting from the Growth plan.


With the Miner Extractable Value (MEV) API, your searcher will have its own reliable endpoint to simulate the transactions and win the time over the competition.

MEV API lets you run the transactions against a Chainstack Ethereum node for bundle simulation before sending them through the Flashbots relay. Chainstack’s geographically distributed hosting infrastructure will help you shave the milliseconds off your Flashbots relay transactions to win the auction race.

Available both on the Ethereum mainnet and the Goerli testnet, MEV API allows you to run tests and experiment before going to production.

MEV API is available starting from the Growth plan.

Debug and trace APIs

With the debug and trace APIs, you can inspect the chain state, replay transactions on the chain in the exact same way as they were executed to retrieve the low-level data like opcodes, memory, and storage changes, and so on for the debugging and detailed logging purposes.

With this release, the debug and trace APIs are available on:

  • Global Ethereum archive nodes starting from the Business plan.
  • Dedicated BNB Smart Chain full and archive nodes starting from the Business plan.
  • Dedicated Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, Harmony full and archive nodes starting from the Growth plan.

In the near future, we will roll out the debug and trace APIs support on Global archive nodes for more protocols.

Pricing changes

Based on your valuable feedback, we are supercharging the existing Growth plan and introducing a brand new Business plan.

Growth plan

The plan now has exciting new features and an increased number of included requests to Global nodes:

  • The Warp transactions feature is now available on Ethereum, Polygon, and BNB Smart Chain.
  • MEV API is now available on the Ethereum mainnet and the Goerli testnet.
  • The Global full nodes get an increase from 8M to 20M included requests per month.
  • You can now use Global archive nodes with 3M included requests per month.
  • You can now deploy full and archive dedicated nodes on all public chain protocols except for the BNB Smart Chain.
  • The subscription rate changes from $19/month or $190/year to $49/month or $490/year.
  • For dedicated public chain nodes, the node compute rate changes from $0.15/hour to $0.30/hour.

Business plan

A brand new plan with brand new features. The new Business plan is where most of your feedback was implemented. It’s the plan that has the biggest changes, including all our newest features, while remaining as affordable as possible.

You can do a lot here—from scaling to dedicated BNB Smart Chain nodes to reducing latency for your Flashbots searchers on Ethereum to sending near-instant transactions on Ethereum, Polygon, and BNB Smart Chain to debugging on Ethereum.

  • The Warp transactions feature is now available on Ethereum, Polygon, and BNB Smart Chain.
  • MEV API is now available on the Ethereum mainnet and the Goerli testnet.
  • Debug and trace APIs are now available on the Global Ethereum archive nodes.
  • The Global full nodes get an increase from 20M to 140M included requests per month.
  • The Global archive nodes get an increase from 3M to 20M included requests per month.
  • You can now deploy dedicated BNB Smart Chain full and archive nodes.
  • The subscription rate changes from $49/month or $490/year to $349/month or $3,490/year.
  • For consortium networks, hybrid hosting node management is now available at the rate of $0.50/hour.
  • For dedicated public chain nodes, the node compute rate changes from $0.30/hour to $0.40/hour.

Facilitating the transition

We are here to support you in making the transition smooth with the following items:

  • All current Growth plan users are automatically upgraded to the new terms on July 7, 2022.
  • The affected Growth plan users will enjoy a $30 monthly discount for the next 3 months.
  • All current Business plan users are automatically transferred to the new Growth plan on July 7, 2022.
  • The affected Business plan users will find the same features they enjoyed under the previous plan at no extra cost.
  • The newly introduced features for the Growth plan will offer expanded capabilities for all affected users.

Next steps

This release is a major step forward for us, and we are thrilled to be a part of the blockchain technology becoming increasingly commonplace in the world.

As always, Chainstack is committed to making Web3 and the underlying blockchain infrastructure more accessible to everyone—from builders to end users. We are building daily and shipping often. Have a look at our ideas portal and log the new features you would like to see implemented, or comment and vote on the already submitted ones.

With the help of the entire Chainstack team and the growing community of innovators already using our platform, our vision will become a reality much sooner than expected.

Have you already explored what you can achieve with Chainstack? Get started for free today.


The Brownie tutorial series—Part 3 

In the third part of the brownie tutorial series, we dive deep into testnets, we show you how to configure certain aspects of your project and we will also see how to use the brownie mixes feature for building projects.

Sethu Raman Omanakuttan
Sep 20
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