MultiChain, an enterprise blockchain solution to build upon
Try your hand at interacting with the blockchain and committing a fact to the ledger on MultiChain. You will write an immutable “Hello, Block!” message to the MultiChain network.
Try your hand at interacting with the blockchain and committing a fact to the ledger on MultiChain. You will write an immutable “Hello, Block!” message to the MultiChain network.
Read our detailed post-mortem on the decentralized Corda bootcamp experience along with a complete CorDapp walkthrough. There are things to learn and to try in this post. Dive in!
A post-mortem on the experiment in Hyperledger Fabric scalablity and developer community decentralization in form of the biggest online chaincode bootcamp to date.
If you are a Python or JavaScript developer, get a feel of what it’s like to develop and deploy a smart contract on the Quorum blockchain network.
Get a feel of what it’s like to develop a smart contract on Corda if you are primarily a Java or Kotlin developer. You will develop a simple “Hello, Block!” CorDapp and run it.
An introduction to a series of posts aimed at helping developers to quickly code and run a simple smart contract in the programming language they are comfortable with.