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GET on Chainstack: Leading blockchain and NFT adoption across the ticketing industry

GET Protocol is an NFT Ticketing infrastructure provider, including an event dashboard, ticket shops, and a mobile ticketing application. GET also offers a distinctive product that allows ticketing companies to issue NFT Tickets in their local market. Together their digital twin product and white-label solution allow them to serve the entire spectrum of the ticketing industry.

What does GET protocol do?

GET Protocol delivers a unique combination of infrastructure that allows it to service the global events industry and extends the benefits of NFT Ticketing throughout the entire event chain to the organizer, artist, and their fans. Every single ticket issued through the protocol is minted as an NFT as soon as it is sold and importantly, a ticket buyer requires zero knowledge of blockchain or cryptocurrency to purchase a ticket and attend an event.

This is made possible using blockchain technology and the protocol’s smart contracts, which automate the entire process and ensure that tickets cannot be counterfeited or duplicated. Additionally, GET provides event organizers with the means to control the secondary resale market by capturing previously lost revenue and data. Doing so creates an opportunity for events to be easily rescheduled or have information changed without causing problems to the ticket sale itself.

GET Protocol has seen significant growth ever since its inception, reaching 1M on-chain tickets issued in October 2021 and adding another 50% on top by March 2022. Looking a year back, the protocol has managed to issue as many as 900,000 NFT tickets through more than 9 white-label partners, and one digital twin integrator. Worldwide the infrastructure has seen use in over 121 countries, powering 9,700 events, while offering support to more than 400 artists and event organizers.

How did GET protocol come across Chainstack?

To make sure the protocol can be easily accessible to even non-tech-savvy customers, the extra layer of complexity of the blockchain and NFT infrastructure is intentionally hidden from the UX. At the same time, however, this also means that network operations need to be performed seamlessly to ensure no delays or interruptions to the service can occur.

In order to accomplish this, GET protocol needed a reliable RPC node provider that could adhere to the strict performance requirements laid out beforehand. Without it, the development team risks incurring heavy losses in terms of revenue, as well as customer satisfaction that could lead to severe damage to the protocol’s reputation and its future adoption.

That is why after experiencing prolonged periods of network instability on the Polygon network, the team set out on a search for a robust infrastructure provider to resolve these issues. They conducted a survey of node providers to discover the one that could offer the best performance in terms of stability, which eventually led them to Chainstack.

How does Chainstack’s offer match GET protocol needs?

Chainstack stood out from all the options in the survey by offering optimal performance with the lowest number of dropped transactions overall. Seeing the reliability of Chainstack’s robust infrastructure prompted the GET team to select our services to power the protocol’s network operations.

The Chainstack team was always quick to respond to any issues the development team of GET encountered throughout the process. We worked together in further increasing the reliability of the RPC infrastructure provided and chimed in swiftly, whenever the nodes needed additional maintenance and critical updates.

This eventually prompted the GET team to upgrade their plan and opt-in for a dedicated node instead of a shared one. The move would prove vital for the improvement of network stability and was of immense help when it came to monitoring transaction confirmations in real-time.


Considering that transaction confirmation is essential for the effective delivery of GET services, having a reliable infrastructure provider to support their efforts was paramount. Nobody wants to be put in the tricky situation of having to explain to customers that their NFT ticket is unavailable due to poor network conditions.

Thanks to Chainstack’s reliable RPC node service the GET team was able to leave these woes in the past and move forward with delivering exceptional service to their customers. This meant no more disappearing transactions and a final goodbye to fallback code implementations for non-propagated transactions.

But that wasn’t the only benefit of using Chainstack’s robust infrastructure for GET protocol. By opting in for the Enterprise plan, the development team was able to receive priceless real-time data from the effective delivery of their services. This allowed them to be notified of completed transactions within milliseconds, giving them ample time to prepare for the rare occurrence of dropped requests.

What does GET protocol like about Chainstack?

Chainstack provided reliable blockchain infrastructure and complemented our team with its highly responsive and solution-oriented team. This allowed us to focus on improving performance and developing better innovative solutions.

Jack Turnbull, Protocol Engineering Lead, GET Protocol

What is the most interesting engineering challenge in working together?

The demanding use-case of GET protocol was an interesting engineering challenge in itself. Having to service large venues and open-air concerts meant tens of thousands of sales events being rapidly generated on a regular basis. And translating this into NFTs while recording them successfully on the network was truly an exceptional feat of blockchain engineering.

That is why one of the first challenges we needed to tackle together with the GET team was handling the significant volume of transactions being pushed towards the node. With Chainstack’s assistance, the development team was swiftly able to streamline the node parameters in optimizing the infrastructure for effective propagation.

While the journey towards success was not a straight line, like most interesting engineering challenges are, Chainstack worked together with the GET team to pivot whenever needed. Ultimately our team helped guide GET towards the necessary Bor service tweaks to best fit their needs and assisted the protocol developers during conversations with Polygon.

In doing so, together we successfully navigated through the precarious situations we encountered, while keeping their finger on the pulse of mempool transactions at any given moment. Maintaining a healthy dialogue between GET, Polygon and Chainstack became a crucial moment in finding the shortest route to mint the ticket NFTs on the Polygon network and effectively tweak the peer-nodes setup to accomplish this.

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Customer Stories


Defined deliver real-time blockchain data for over 2M tokens and 800M NFTs with reliable Web3 infrastructure.


Integrating robust and easy to use RPC infrastructure to power cross-chain NFT marketplace operations.

GET protocol

Handling large transaction volumes in minting NFT tickets for large-scale events.