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A Layer 2 commit chain to the Ethereum network. Based on Go Ethereum, run Polygon PoS nodes to deploy and interact with smart contracts on the Polygon PoS network and transfer assets to and from the Ethereum networks.

Explore the features

ConsensusProof of Stake (PoS)
Public / Private / PermissionedPublic
Smart contractsYes
Smart contract language(s) supportedSolidity, Vyper, Yul, Huff
Transaction privacyNo
Transaction visibilityAll participants have access to all entries ever recorded.
Transaction orderingAll validating participants must reach consensus over the order of all transactions that have taken place, irrespective of whether a participant has taken part in a particular transaction or not.

Fault tolerance

Polygon is a proof-of-stake consensus model that is additionally secured by a set of staking contracts on the Ethereum mainnet.


As a proof-of-stake protocol, Polygon is performing fast at about 1 second per block or less.

Industry use case

EVM-compatible smart contracts and a Layer 2 to Ethereum-based networks.

What’s next?

Start today with an elastic or dedicated Polygon node.

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