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Reth — the most powerful dedicated node client

Boost performance and efficiency of your dedicated nodes with Reth on Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Optimism, and Base.

“RETH is set to redefine Ethereum nodes, and Chainstack’s support is a significant milestone in our journey to elevate blockchain performance and reliability.”

Georgios Konstantopoulos, CTO at Paradigm

Performance beyond Geth and Erigon

16K Peak RPS
5x Faster Debug&Trace API
10x Better response time under load

Multi-chain by design

Reth is available on Chainstack Dedicated nodes for the following protocols:

BNB Smart Chain  
Reth Future of EVM infrastructure

Reth is a highly efficient, production-ready Ethereum client. Written in Rust, Reth uses the language’s exceptional effectiveness to deliver unparalleled speed and reliability.

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Full and Archive data

Reth is available for both Full and Archive nodes, consistently delivering top results for live and historical data.

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Debug & Trace API

Reth maximizes Debug & Trace API efficiency, delivering 500+ RPS. 10X the throughput of the Erigon client.

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RETH The best Ethereum client

Benchmark tests show that Reth handles up to 16,000 requests per second, significantly outpacing other clients while maintaining low response times under heavy load.

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